Thursday, January 17, 2013

Healing the Healthcare System

Very interesting video about using the prescription pad, the EMAR, and college students to fix the, treat first, ask questions never, mentality pervasive in our health care system. Leaders follow their Vision!

1 comment:

  1. Pete-

    I almost posted this same video on my blog as well! I found it very interesting! What was most striking to me was the basic principle of meeting an individual’s basic needs before we can be effective in any other way. The concept that a doctor wrote a prescription for food or heat is astounding to me. It is so outside the way our current system is set up to work. We have all me in hospitals and we have all seen the effects that a difficult home situation can have on the patient’s overall health, but our hands are, more often than not, tie in what we are able to do. How can we as nurses be effective in our roles when we can’t even get to the root of the problem?

    At one point in the video Rebecca is talking about how she should have felt happy and honored that this doctor was reaching out to her, but instead was devastated by a failing system. I can empathize with that feeling. I felt the same way listening to the story! However, I think this is where public health nursing, and some reform to our system, can really excel and change the lives of our patients. In public health we can reach out to patients where they are to impact their lives.
