Thursday, January 24, 2013

Teams and Leadership

I found the topic of teams very interesting in relation to leadership and nursing. Discussed on page 225 of the text Huber delves into potential expectations the leader of a team could express to the members of the team (2010). These expectations range from communication to conflict resolution, effort in task completion and the feedback desired.

I have had the good fortune to work with both very good leaders and very bad leaders, which has given me a lot of insight into what I want in a boss or supervisor and what doesn't work very well. I think this topic of conveying your expectations to the team is essential for a good leader or a good team member in turn. An example from my current job is their expectations around sick days. Obviously someone should try to limit the times they call in sick and at the same time not transmit communicable disease to the residents. The first time I called in sick in over a year I was told that if I didn't come in I would be let go. My manager was joking and she did call around and help me find someone to cover the shift but her expectations were unclear. My job isn't incredibly difficult and I could easily manage it unless I was deathly ill, it was her expectations being unclear that made the situation difficult. Luckily I knew her sense of humor and know what a valued commodity I am for my agency and so avoided a larger issue.

Huber, D. (2010). Leadership and Nursing Care3 Management. (4th ed). Saunders an Imprint of Elselvier Inc. Maryland Heights, MO

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